Jennifer Donnelly
Random House Delacorte, 2015
Source: Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
I just finished reading These Shallow Graves and my heart is still beating wildly. Despite the fact that it's 11:30 and I have to be by 6:00am tomorrow, I cannot calm myself and go to bed. In an attempt to do so, I must immediately share some thoughts/feelings about my experience.
I could not believe the last 100 pages. So much! So much building, so much happening, so much revealed. Jennifer Donnelly has built a mystery that explores the ideas of women and girls being trapped by the expectations Victorian society built for them. It's a mystery that forces characters to look outside of their world into another, very different world, to discover the truth. I feared for the women in this book--and not just the main character, Jo, but all of them.
I feel as if I'm blabbering. I am. A real review, with complete sentences that are thought out and hopefully make more sense than this will follow within the coming week.
I'm still concentrating on breathing slowly.
Image Source: Goodreads.com
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