Sunday Status is a weekly (ish) post where I let you know what I'm reading and what I'm thinking about it as I go along.
~At Home~

Mindy Kaling
Crown Archetype, 2015
Source: local library
I think Mindy Kaling is hilarious and I loved her previous book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? I'm not that far into this one, but so far the essays aren't as good. In her previous one, they concerned her life growing up and being a woman in a field dominated by men. So far I've read one about beauty secrets and one about sorority life. Even though they're sarcastic and I see the humor in them as she pokes fun at herself and others, I'm finding it harder to connect to these essays. I'm hoping that I'll enjoy some of the others more.
~At School~
Dead Upon A Time
Elizabeth Paulson
Scholastic Press, 2015
Source: purchased for my classroom library
This is a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, but in this case, it may not have been a wolf who took Kate Hood's grandmother. And she has to get Jack (from Jack and the Beanstalk) to help her because no one in town will speak with her. It's then that she finds out there are others who have been taken and no one is talking about them either.
I'm trying to give it a chance, but I'm not feeling it too much just now. I've also not been able to give it too much time at school due to lots of other things I'm trying to take care of. I need to focus on it a bit more when I have time. After all, I should be reading with my students and not grading--right?
~Listening To ~
The Thing About Jellyfish
Ali Benjamin
Read by Sarah Franco
Little Brown Young Readers, 2015
Source: purchased
I'm still listening to The Thing About Jellyfish. I've managed to listen to a bit more here and there, but not enough. If I could grade and listen to an audiobook, I would, but then I either stop paying attention to what I'm grading or I cut out the audio and find myself lost in the book.
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