Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Book Review: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
Mindy Kaling
Crown Archetype, 2011
Source: Purchased
Rating: 4/5

Loved this book and I love Mindy Kaling.  I am nothing like her, but I want to be her friend.  Honestly, what would we talk about?  I hate shopping and fashion, I am not funny at all, and I have a very limited sense of humor.  Mindy Kaling's humor I enjoy greatly. In her collection of essays she writes about her childhood and being teased, to trying to make it in the world of comedy.  She writes about her family and the amazingness of her parents and how awesome her college experience was for her.  She writes about landing her first writing job and some of her mistakes along the way.  She does it all with humor.

One of the best pieces of advice Kaling gives in this is to young girls.  She stops to give random advice to young women throughout the book, but one of the best ones is a moment when she is talking about peaking in high school.  She warns kids not to worry about being the most popular, landing the lead in the play, or being the star on the team.  If you peak in high school, then where do you go from there?  Save it all for college and later in life.  I couldn't agree more!  Honestly, if I knew a junior or senior in high school I would buy them this book and tell them to read it immediately.

If you're looking for something funny and enjoy Mindy Kaling on TV, then pick this up.  I'm looking forward to reading her 2nd book sometime soon.

Image Source: Goodreads

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